Become a member today
What to expect
If you are not already logged in, it’s best you log in first!
If you don’t already have an account with us, you will be asked a few simple questions for your membership.
You will receive a confirmation email within an hour of the registration, including details of your perks, which you can begin benefiting from straight away!
You will be given a membership card, this will be available to collect from The Brewhouse or we will deliver it with your first order. The membership card can be used to redeem your 10% off in the Brewhouse shop & cafe.
So what are you waiting for? Join the Muddler’s Club today!
Gift this membership to a fellow beer lover?
Please input their details, the confirmation emails will go to them, and they can start using is straight away!
If this is a gift, please make sure you are logged out of your account before proceeding.